Diamond Train


Regular Price $285.00
Your Price $285.00
Three pack  diamond ruskin

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The new Hearts are absolutely flawless flyers from light winds up to quite strong sea breezes. They can be flown individually and can also be stacked. They work equally well attached to poles for a stunning ground display. Each Heart is 900mm x 900mm ( 35" x 35" ) and has a 5M tail (16ft approx.) Please note hearts sold individually

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Location & Hours

Jon and Marieanne Trennepohl
Kites and Fun Things
40522 E. Ann Arbor Trail
Plymouth, MI 48170
Fax: 734-454-0345


Business hours:
MONDAY 10am -2pm,
TUES - THUR 10am - 6pm
FRIDAY & SATURDAY 10am - 4pm, EST.

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