Premier, Delta Kites-6.5' TIE DYE fountain

6.5 ft. Delta Kite
You'll feel like the "King of the Wind" with these incredibly stable and easy- to-fly delta kites. It's a breeze to launch them in wind as light as 4 mph and flies rock solid in winds up to 20 mph. Complete with two coordinating wing-tip tails and nylon carrying case which can be used as a center-tail.

6.5' Delta Kite
Sail Nylon
Frame Hardwood Dowels & Fiberglass
Size 77 x 40 in, 199 x 103 cm
Wind Range 4 - 18 mph
Line Includes 50 lb. Test Line
Packaging Vinyl Case
List Price $44.00
Your Price $39.00
You Save $5.00 - 11%

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Location & Hours

Jon and Marieanne Trennepohl
Kites and Fun Things
40522 E. Ann Arbor Trail
Plymouth, MI 48170
Fax: 734-454-0345

Business hours:
MONDAY 10am -2pm,
TUES - THUR 10am - 6pm
FRIDAY & SATURDAY 10am - 4pm, EST.

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