Premier, Diamonds-65 in. AMETHYST

65 in. Diamonds
Our Large Diamond Kites are based on the tried-and- true Malay platform.
They feature unique Velcro tensioning on all corners to ensure perfect sail tautness on every setup.
Graceful in the air, these traditional kites now feature spectacular new graphics.

65" Diamonds
Sail Ripstop Nylon
Frame Fiberglass & Carbon
Size 65 x 65 in., 165 x 165 cm
Wind Range 4 - 18 mph
Line 300 ft. of 50 lb. Line
Packaging Vinyl Case
List Price $42.95
Your Price $34.95
You Save $8.00 - 19%

Customer Reviews

Average Rating

These very big diamonds fly well, and even better with a tail. Some designs come with line, some don't, but you need stronger line anyway - 50lb is not enough. The carbon-framed ones come without line, but with a fabric bag. I fly four of them in train with matching fuzzy tails, and they behave perfectly in any reasonable conditions.
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Location & Hours

Jon and Marieanne Trennepohl
Kites and Fun Things
40522 E. Ann Arbor Trail
Plymouth, MI 48170
Fax: 734-454-0345

Business hours:
MONDAY 10am -2pm,
TUES - THUR 10am - 6pm
FRIDAY & SATURDAY 10am - 4pm, EST.

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